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Winston-Salem Police Department Holds Recruiting Fairs

August 22, 2011 | David Ford

 A new study says the South has a shortage of workers qualified for jobs such as electricians, nursing aides and computer support specialists.

The report, released Sunday by the National Skills Coalition, was shared at the annual Southern Governors Association meeting. The meeting was held this year in Asheville.

In North Carolina, for example, 51 percent of available jobs fall into this category of "middle-skills" jobs, while only 43 percent of job seekers are qualified.

In the Triad, up to 25 applicants are being sought for another “middle skills” job. Beginning Tuesday, August 23, The Winston-Salem Fire Department will be holding its Recruiting Fair at multiple locations throughout the City.

Senior Communication Educator Jazmine Kilpatrick says, the recruiting fair will allow interested individuals a chance to see and experience the job requirements before making the decision to apply.

The entry level training salary for firefighters ranges from about $28,000 to $30,000 for the first year. According to Kilpatrick, applicants must be 20 years of age or older and hold a High School diploma or equivalent.

Upcoming fairs will be held on Tuesday, August 23, at Gateway YWCA, 1300 S. Main Street, Wednesday, at The Rush on 420 Jonestown Road, and Thursday at Winston Lake YMCA, 901 Waterworks Road.

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