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Winston-Salem Officials Will Unveil Master Plan For Jamison Park

October 25, 2012 | Keri Brown

The city of Winston-Salem is working on four projects to increase recreational use of its parks.

A few years ago, city officials identified four areas in the city to renovate or redevelop:  Winston Lake, Salem Lake, the Quarry property near Reynolds Park and Jamison Park. City council gave around $200,000 to the Recreation and Parks Department to create master plans for the projects. Public input has also been gathered.

Officials with the Recreation and Parks Department will unveil the proposed master plan for Jamison Park at a public meeting on Thursday.

The future site will be built in the Northwest part of town near Meadowlark Middle and Elementary schools.

 “The master plan for Jamison includes new parking access for the Muddy Creek Greenway. We are proposing some natural open play areas for kids, as well as more of a traditional playground. The plan also includes walking trails, a potential amphitheater, a small dog park, picnic areas and exercise equipment,” says William Royston, Parks Superintendent for the city of Winston-Salem.

Royston says all of the projects include one central theme: environmental sustainability.

“We wanted to use it as a tool to educate people about the diversity in wildlife and planting different plant species that we have in Winston-Salem," says Royston.

Royston added, "More importantly, that sight is very rich in natural resources and we want to preserve as much of that as possible but also provide interpretive signage or some sort of electronic kiosk so people can educate themselves about what is in their community.”

The presentation on the proposed master plan for developing Jamison Park will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25 at Meadowlark Elementary School.

After tonight, the plans will be presented to the Recreation and Parks Commission. It will then go to Winston-Salem city council for their approval. If adopted, city officials can take a look at funding sources for the project.

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