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Winston-Salem Farmer's Market Ranked One of the Best In America

July 18, 2012 | Keri Brown

The Cobblestone Farmer’s Market at Old Salem Museums and Gardens is only about 2 months old, but the event has been named one of the best farmer's markets in America.

U.S. News Travel has named the Cobblestone Farmer’s Market at Old Salem Museums and Gardens the 11th best market in America.

John Larson, Vice President of Restoration at Old Salem Museums and Gardens, said he’s surprised it made the list so quickly.

I think for Salem it was the location that drew special attention to the surrounding gardens, which provided a setting and a context for this locally grown produce that’s being brought in,” said Larson.

Besides Winston-Salem, other Farmer’s Markets that made the list are in Seattle, Boulder, Colorado, Davis, California and Washington D.C.

The Ferry Plaza Farmers Market in San Francisco got the first place ranking.

The rankings are based on reputation, versatility, online user reviews, and overall atmosphere.

Salem Norfleet Neff and her mother Margaret sell value added jams, syrups, and other item made from organic fruits and vegetables at the Cobblestone Farmer's market in Old Salem. They also manage the weekly event.

Salem credits the high marks to a little luck, and support from vendors and community members.

“There’s no resale and you really get to know the person that grew your food. They can answer the questions that you might have and some vendors have recipes for how they would use things. It’s just this extra resource that you don’t necessarily get with any other farmer’s market,” said Salem Norfleet Neff.

Each Saturday, 25 vendors from 8 counties in the Piedmont Triad travel to historic Old-Salem for the farmers market. Margaret Norfleet-Neff said the event helps meet a local need for fresh produce.               

“People are doing a lot more conscious shopping. We are seeing larger bags leaving the market because they can walk or drive it home. There isn’t a large grocery store near downtown Old Salem or near any of these neighborhoods,” said Margaret Salem Norfleet Neff.

The Cobblestone Farmer's Market at Old Salem draws around 1,100 to 1,200 people every Saturday.

It is held from 9 a.m. to Noon. The market will run through November 17.

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