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Winston-Salem Ceremony Pays Tribute to 9/11 victims

September 11, 2012 | Keri Brown

Several ceremonies are being held throughout the Triad Tuesday to remember those who lost their lives during the 9/11 terrorists attacks. In Winston-Salem, More than 100 people attended a solemn ceremony Tuesday morning at Corpening Plaza.

A bell rang 5 times to mark the end of the shift for firefighters who died during the tragic event. Taps also played. Several members of the city’s police force bowed their head during a moment of silence to honor the nearly 3,000 people who died eleven years ago.

Scott Cunningham, the city's police chief said the tragedy has made our communities stronger.

“Communities fall apart but what we saw in America was a strengthening of the commonality and unity that was refreshed in all of us. To me, that is the biggest thing that we can remember and continue to go forward with is that unity, a sense of common good and that is something that no one can take away from us,” said Cunningham.

Several children also attended the ceremony.

“It feels really great to know that Americans can come together and we can mourn the people who have passed and still come together and know we are a strong country,” said 17 year-old Angelica Krystyan.

Mark Smith, Principal of Berean Christian School in Winston-Salem, brought 21 students to the event.

“It’s very important these children remember the past. It’s very important that they remember the firefighters, and the police officers the rescue personnel that gave their lives that day to help defend our freedoms that we still have in this country. They gave the ultimate sacrifice when they gave their lives instead of running away from those building, they ran to those buildings,” said Smith.      

Mayor Allen Joines and other city officials and dignitaries also paid tribute to the city's emergency responders.

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