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Water, Parking Rates & Fines Will Increase in Greensboro

June 29, 2012 | Keri Brown

The City of Greensboro is increasing its parking fines and rates in downtown parking decks. Hourly rates increase from 50 cents per hour to 75 cents per hour. The maximum daily rate increases from $6 to $7.  Monthly parking rates for general parking increase from $50 to $55, while reserved parking rates remain at $75 per month.

And if you forget to feed the meter, you’ll pay a higher fine. Parking tickets for an expired meter change from $10 to $15.

City officials say even with the rate increases, Greensboro remains one of the least expensive cities for parking in North Carolina.

They say this is the first increase in monthly parking in over 20 years.

Water and sewer rates are also increasing three percent for Greensboro residents and 7.5 percent for those who live outside of Greensboro.

The rate hikes will take effect July 1. 

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