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U.S. Military and Motorsports Build Better Vehicles

February 21, 2012 |

The U.S. Military is teaming up with some North Carolina racing teams. North Carolina's Nascar teams are gearing up to help keep the members of U.S. Special Forces safer. They're formally partnering with the military to improve vehicle performance and efficiency. North Carolina Military Foundation Executive Director Lance DeSpain expects this collaboration will give elite soldiers needed equipment changes faster. And he says safer military vehicles translate into increased safety for soldiers. In terms of benefits to race teams, this partnership will help them diversify their business models through new research and development in working with advanced military equipment. Also, pit crews will work with highly skilled soldiers to find resolutions. The two groups are already working on some projects to improve engine performance, the suspension system and creating 'explosive impact' simulations to see how vehicles react. According to DeSpain, this collaboration will create new job oppotunities for soldiers returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan and for some civilians.

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