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Two Triad School Districts Win Race to the Top Grants

December 11, 2012 | Audrey Fannin

Two North Carolina school districts are among 16 nationwide to land federal funds in the first federal Race to the Top competitive grants. In all, 372 North Carolina School districts applied for the grants, but only Guilford County and Iredell-Statesville Schools won in the highly competitive process.

Guilford County Schools will get $30 million for education reforms that focus on individual student learning. The program will focus on middle schools in Guilford County.  About 17,000 students will each receive a tablet, and will use that device to work at their own pace using personal learning maps. Their teachers will be able to understand the progress they make using the tablets.

In addition, Iredell-Statesville Schools will get nearly $20 million and will serve 9,000 students over four years.  This program is also targeted towards middle schools.  They will also emphasize teacher learning and the application of new and innovative ideas.

U-S Senator, Kay Hagan, calls the grants a wonderful early Christmas present. She says the grants recognize that local school districts need the flexibility to do what's needed for each individual student. 

Twelve states won race to the top grants; North Carolina was one of three states winning more than one award. 


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