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Redevelopment Plan Unveiled For Cooleemee Cotton Mill

June 8, 2012 | Keri Brown

More than 100 Community members and local and state officials gathered in Davie County Friday for an announcement about the redevelopment of the historic Cooleemee Cotton Mill.

Nestled in the southern end of Davie County along the Yadkin River is the town of Cooleemee. The area is known for its rich textile heritage. The Cooleemee Cotton Mill operated from 1901 until 1969, when it was closed by Burlington industries.


But a partnership between the town, the Davie County Economic Development Commission and the Cooleemee Historical Association is breathing new life into the structure. Lynn Rumley, the mayor of Cooleemee, said their vision for the mill project encompasses a wide variety of businesses.


"We are thinking perhaps a branch of our community college would be interested in the site. We hope some light industry might also be an option, which could add value to locally produced produce and products from farms. Another idea is turning dirts to shirts with organic cotton and bio-plastic fiber. It will become our new economic engine and replace the town square that was demolished by bulldozers in 1962," said Rumley.

The Cooleemee Mill Project is dedicated to the the men, women and children who opened the bails, carted the cotton, spun it and wove it into fabric.

The distress caused by the closing of the mill was significant. At one time the mill employed nearly than 1,800 people and more than 3,000 residents lived in Cooleemee. Today, nearly 970 residents remain. But Rumley said their resilence, faith, hope and traditions are keeping the community alive.

"The Historical Association was founded in 1989 and has come to operate three heritage musuems here and the town has become a giant classroom for our elementary school in teaching heritage and history lessons. We do a different lesson starting with the four year olds, so they know their history and heritage and can even give you a tour of the town," said Rumley

Organizers of the Cooleemee Cotton Mill Redevelopment project have received more than $270,000 in federal, state and county grants to help start the design phase.

Renovations will begin this fall.



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