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President Barack Obama Visits Charlotte Area

March 7, 2012 |

President Barack Obama continues visiting key states in the nation, talking about the economy and job development. Today he was just outside Charlotte in Mount Holly at the Daimler truck plant.

The president applauded the company and employees for creating more fuel-efficient vehicles. He also talked about new federal incentives to develop alternative energy sources while reducing U.S. dependency on foreign oil to actually bring gasoline prices down.

High Point University just released a poll to determine how some North Carolinians feel about President Obama and the job he's doing. Martin Kifer, director of the university's poll, says the random survey of 384 people shows about 40 percent approve of the president's policies. Kifer says most respondents also said they don't want Iran to develop a nuclear program - and believe it is one of the greatest threats to America's safety. People were called on landlines and cell phones. 81% are registered voters.

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