Possible Post Office ClosingsDecember 15, 2009 | David FordOne post office in Greensboro and another in High Point remain on the U.S. Postal Service's list for possible closure.
The Greensboro News and Record is reporting that in September the Postal Service released a list of more than 400 post offices that could close. An updated list of about 170 post offices was released on Monday and it includes:
The Greensboro Plaza Station at 1852 Banking St. and the High Point Furnitureland office 913 W. Fairfield Road.
One office in Winston-Salem at 200 Town Run Lane was on the earlier list but not this week's list.
The Postal Service stated in a news release that the list is not final and it's continuing its review to cut costs. The complete list is at http://www.usps.com/communications/newsroom/stationbranchop.pdf
Headlines for January 25, 2010