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Pastor's Pantry in Lexington Adds New Event to Kentucky Derby Party Fundraiser

April 4, 2012 | Keri Brown

Pastor's Pantry in Lexington is gearing up for its third annual Kentucky Derby celebration on May 5. But this year, the organization is planning a new event to help with its fundraising efforts. It's a workshop to help people prepare Derby hats for the Derby events.

Bill Keesler, Executive Director of Pastor's Pantry, said proceeds from the events will help the organization feed hundreds of Davidson County residents. "We currently are providing monthly groceries for 583 people in 413 senior adult households across the county, and we are also providing emergency food packs each month for often up to 20 other households for people of all ages," he said.

The workshop will be held April 21 from 2-4 p.m. in the garden at the Homestead, a nearly 300-year-old home on South Main Street in Lexington. "Those staying after 4 p.m. will have a chance to take a brief tour of the Homestead house," said Keesler.

The registration deadline for the hat decorating workshop is April 18 and tickets are $25. The registration deadline for the Kentucky Derby celebration is April 30, and tickets start at $60 for an individual. Participants should bring ribbons, flowers or other creative items to the workshop.

More information is available at pastorspantry.org.

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