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Parents Charged in the Death of Their Infant Son

November 28, 2012 | Keri Brown

Two High Point residents have been charged in the death of their infant son.

High Point Police and emergency medical workers were called to a home on Kimery Drive Tuesday afternoon for a report of an unresponsive infant.

Authorities say they found the body of the 2-week-old boy in the home. High Point Police say the child died as a result of a criminal homicide.

An autopsy is pending.

Twenty-year-old Brian Jack Frazier has been charged with first-degree murder. Twenty-year-old Stefany Renee Ash is charged with accessory after the fact of first degree murder.

On Wednesday, prosecutors said Frazier admitted to police that, after he had played video games through the early morning hours, the baby became fussy and he grabbed the child by the neck and punched him in the face.

Prosecutors said Frazier went to bed, and once he woke up, Frazier and Ash discussed how to hide the baby's body.

The next court date is set for Jan. 18.

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