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Novant Health Cutting Jobs

May 29, 2012 | Keri Brown

Novant Health is cutting 289 positions from its workforce. In a prepared statement, President and CEO Carl Armato said the majority of the eliminated positions are in Winston-Salem and Charlotte. He also said most of the jobs being eliminated are managerial, clinical staff and non-clinical employees. Affected workers will learn about the changes over the next few days.

Armato said the laid off workers will have the chance to apply for positions open within the company. Novant will provide assistance to employees unable to get another open position.

Novant’s president and CEO sites several reasons for the layoffs including a poor economy, people using fewer healthcare services such as elective surgeries and outpatient testing, declining reimbursement costs, and an increase in charity care. 

Novant emphasizes the company is financially secure. It employs about 25,000 people in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

According to Novant Health, over the past five years, the charity care it provides has increased 200%.

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