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Military Aircarft Descend on Smith Reynolds Airport

August 23, 2012 | Keri Brown

The Winston-Salem Air Show returns to Smith Reynolds Airport this weekend, beginning the second century of air shows in Winston-Salem.

Steve Flippin, director of the event, said this year’s lineup includes several spectacular demonstrations.

“This year we are really looking forward to the Harrier jump jet demonstration that is the vertical takeoff and landing jet, so it will be exciting to see two performances each day. We are also looking forward to the salute to Marine Corps Air Power. That’s the first time we have had that demonstration in Winston-Salem and it will feature the A-4 Skyhawk, the Cobra Attack helicopter, the Huey,” said Flippin.

The lineup this weekend also includes the “Golden Knights” parachute team from the US Army.

The Winston-Salem event is the largest annual airshow in North Carolina. Attendance figures have doubled since 2008. Flippin said Last year, around 40,000 people attended the airshow.

“We think the biggest reason for that is we have increased the ground activities, children’s area,  music all weekend, car show, Winston cup museum, helicopter and B-25 rides. We have over 100 vendors and visitors that will be here this weekend,” said Flippin.

Flippin said the event is also a great value for families. Parking is free and children 12 and under are admitted free of charge.

He says Attendees can save 40 percent by purchasing their tickets in advance at wsairshow.com or at Lowes Foods. 

Gates at the Smith Reynolds Airport open at 10 a.m. Saturday, August 25. The airshow runs through 5 p.m. Sunday, August 26.

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