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Greensboro Police Will Go Door to Door in Crime Areas

April 10, 2012 | Keri Brown

The Greensboro Police Department will be going door to door this week in the River Birch and Hidden Lakes Apartments area to help solve recent crimes.

Sgt. D.J. Davis with the Greensboro police department said other surrounding law enforcement agencies from the Triad will also assist in the campaign. He says the area has seen an increase in theft from automobiles, as well as a sexual assault. His department will be asking residents for any information they have.

"We will let them know that we care about what is going on in the community and we are not going to tolerate what is going on.  But we need that partnership with the community to help us solve some of these crimes," Davis said.

Since January of this year, the River Birch and Hidden Lakes Apartments area has had five burglaries and five larcenies from motor vehicles.

Police will also canvas the area of O’Henry Boulevard to try to gather more information on the April 3 homicide of Marvin Hart.

Law enforcement will be in the Greensboro neighborhoods Thursday, April 12. The first door-to-door response will take place in the apartment complexes at 2 p.m. Law enforcement will then begin going door to door in the O’Henry Boulevard section at 3:30 p.m.

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