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GSO Agency Supporting Senior Clients Weather Heat

June 29, 2012 |

Area non-profits are busy helping some senior citizens stay cool.
Staff at Guilford County's Senior Services are giving out hundreds of box fans to low income elderly. SeniorLine Program Coordinator Richard Smith overseas the agency's Heat Relief Program. He says since May his group has given out about 300 fans,"Hopefully these fans can help people avoid some of that stifling humidity and break some of that up. Even with your traditional air conditioning it can still not be enough."

Guilford County Smith expects to distribute around 650 fans by early September, when this program ends. He says they can not take donated fans because they can't guarantee the units will meet fire safety regulations. But they welcome financial donations to purchase new fans. Smith describes some ways people of all ages can stay cool as temperatures rise, "When you can, keep the windows facing the sun closed. When it's cool, especially in the morning, make sure you have airflow. Stay hydrated. And when you're out in it keep skin covered and use sun screen." Last year, Guilford County's SeniorLine gave out 760 box fans. If you are an eligible senior citizen in Guilford County, you can call for assistance at 336-458-0410.

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