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Early Bird Shoppers at Hanes Mall Snatch Up Bargains

November 26, 2012 | Keri Brown

Black Friday officially kicked off the holiday shopping season. Shoppers turned out in droves at malls and big-box stores in the Triad this weekend to take advantage of special sales and door busters.

Many retailers including Walmart, Toys R Us and Target opened their doors earlier than ever on Thanksgiving. Hanes mall in Winston-Salem began welcoming holiday shoppers at Midnight on Friday. Deedee Colter of Savannah Georgia took advantage of several deals.

“Boots, purses, I have a teenage daughter so a little of everything. I’m finding everything I need and gift wrapping is wonderful because when I go home, I just put it under the tree,” said Colter.

“We know what we want when we get here. Crowds don’t bother me. It’s part of the fun, part of the season,” said Shannon Clark of Statesville.

Many stores at Hanes Mall offered additional coupons and discounts on sale prices. A large crowd gathered in front Mac Authority around 4 a.m. Friday. Store manager Alex Baskette said he saw a steady stream of shoppers throughout the day.

“ iPods and things like that are taking over as portable gaming devices for kids and we are seeing a spike in iPod sales,” said Bakette.

Llewellyn Charles of Winston-Salem braved the crowds to try to find an engagement ring for his girlfriend.

“So far, everything seems the same price as it was a month ago. I haven’t found anything other than some golf equipment. I don't think they came down to much on prices,” said Charles.

Ron Riddle of Clemmons usually avoids Black Friday. But this year, he ventured out for a deal on a new pair of shoes. He said he hopes people don’t get too caught up in the shopping frenzy this season.

“With the economy the way it is hopefully people won’t overspend based on their ability. Hopefully people don’t get too psyched up with the Black Friday and holidays and overspend,” said Riddle.

The National Retail Federation estimates, holiday sales this year will be more than $586 billion.







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