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Triad Arts with David Ford

One Little Girl

January 2, 2012

One Little Girl is an unusual children’s book. It’s a story about adoption, love, and sharing. That's some pretty compelling stuff for children and adults, and as we’ll hear from the author Rocket Barber, it’s in many ways autobiographical. Beautifully paired with the heart-warming story are Scott Harris’s amazing illustrations. The talented painter/sculpture uses paint on aluminum to create images that transport the reader to magical yet familiar places. Scott’s illustrations are full of motion, depth and color. And coming up Friday afternoon, January 6th at 5:30 in Greensboro’s Studio B downtown, you can experience the art and hear the uplifting story as told by the author himself. A portion of the proceeds from the One Little Girl event go toward The Children's Home Society.

Triad Arts for January 1, 2012


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