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Real People, Real Stories

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The Beginning of a Profound Life

January 15, 2012

StoryLine gives voice to everyday people throughout our community as they share the experiences that shape their lives. It is a project of the Echo Network and is made possible by the generosity of Salemtown, a continuing care retirement community where every life shines and stories are celebrated. Jule and Nancy Spach met at the First Presbyterian Church in Winston-Salem. In 1948 they married and three years later, the young couple moved to Brazil as educational missionaries. For 25 years, they lived in the small city of Zaranhus, in the northeast area of the country and very under-developed. Jule was the athletic director and taught chemisty, physic and math at 15th of November School. Nancy taught sunday school and led vacation bible school. Last September, they celebrated their 63rd wedding anniverary and they count their blessings about the path they’ve traveled together.

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