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Real People, Real Stories

HIV/AIDS in Forsyth County

November 26, 2007

As of November 2007, 1,100 people are living with HIV or AIDS in Forsyth County. Across the northwest region of our state, more than 1,700 are living with the deadly disease.

But it affects more than the patients - it also impacts their families.

On today's Real People Real Stories, Mona Gary shares her experience of watching her mother suffer with HIV/AIDS.

This week, Aids Care Service will sponsor a Reflections Service (Wed., Nov. 28 @ 5:30 p-6:00 p). Then they’ll host a World Aids Day Holiday parade (Sat., Dec. 1 @ 3:30 pm)

You can learn more about the Aids Care Service at 336-777-0116 or www.aidscareservice.org

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