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Real People, Real Stories

Breaking Barriers

May 15, 2011

StoryLine gives voice to everyday people throughout our community as they share the experiences that shape their lives.

This week, we listen to Dr. Mahamam Moussa is from Niger in Africa.

In 2000, Dr. Moussa immigrated to the United States. At that

time, he spoke no English and worked as a janitor in spite of

holding a university degree from his home country.

As a result of hard work and perseverance, Dr. Moussa is now successfull and is making a positive impact on the community.

Today, Dr. Moussa talks with StoryLine volunteer, Lopa Shah.

StoryLine is a project of the ECHO network and is made possible by the generosity of Salemtowne, a continuing care retirement community, where every life shines and stories are celebrated.

StoryLine is a project of the ECHO network and is made possible by the generosity of Salemtowne, a continuing care retirement community, where every life shines and stories are celebrated.

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