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Winston-Salem Fire Department Looks to Fill Positions

September 7, 2012 | Keri Brown

The Winston-Salem Fire Department is looking for a few good men and women to join the city’s fire squad.

A recruiting fair will be held downtown Friday, Sept. 7.

“We will have lots of fire trucks and firefighters on hand. The whole goal of this is to reach out and improve diversity in our applicant pool. We will have Spanish speaking firefighters on hand,” said Chris Langham, Assistant Fire Chief of the Winston-Salem Fire Department.

Women are also encouraged to attend the job fair. Around 345 firefighters serve the city. Langham said the department is looking to fill 14 firefighter positions.

“You will be able to put your hands on the gear and the equipment that we have. We will also be running a continuous video demonstration of our agility test and we will even have our Rescue Randy, which is a 175 pound mannequin and one of the tests in which they have to complete is to pull that mannequin 100 feet,” said Langham.

Langham said applications are submitted electronically through the city’s website. The application deadline is September 10.  He said computers will also be available at the job fair, so people can apply on the spot. The recruiting event will take place Friday, September 7 from 1 p.m.- 5p.m. at Station One on North Marshall Street.

For more information click www.cityofws.org/ .

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