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Warm Winter Not Fun for Everyone

February 3, 2012 |

Most of us are enjoying this unseasonably warm winter, but it's creating problems for some who have allergies.

Dr. Takashi Hirata practices family medicine at Medical Associates of Davie at Hillsdale in Advance. He says some trees and bushes are making more pollen because area temperatures have been in the 50's and 60's for weeks.

"What we're seeing is people having hay fever like symptoms, itchy eyes, sneezing and runny nose. And often people get a break from that during the winter months. But when you don't have a lot of that you continue to be sensitive to pollen and I think that's what we're seeing," says Dr. Hirata.

According to Dr. Hirata, the most common allergies in the Piedmont are to tree and grass pollens, normally killed by colder temperatures.

Dr. Hirata recommends people see a physician if they have allergy symptoms. He cautions, "Sometimes people like to use nasal spray decongestants. But when used repeatedly, they can amplify the allergy symptoms."

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