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Union Baptist Church Studies Drug Dealers to Reduce Drug Sales

November 20, 2012 |

Members at one Triad church use an 'in your face' approach to battle drug sales in their community. Union Baptist Church is at 1200 North Trade Street in Winston-Salem. Pastor Sir Walter Mack, Jr. admits drug dealers are very skilled. Many of them have great leadership skills. They have a voice of command that’s why many of them have young people following them. The ability to move a product from one place to another without a sign going up that says drugs are sold here.

But he says they’re still missing one thing. “What I’ve discovered is these people are simply looking for love and for someone to recognize them. They’re good people who’ve made bad choices in a tight situation.”

Last weekend, Pastor Mack and Union Baptist hosted their 9th Annual Corner 2 Corner Drug Dealers and Street Life Conference. Drug dealers and users participated in two days of workshops promoting a drug-free lifestyle. 

“We talk to them about the legacy they’re leaving behind. The hurt in their life. We actually bring mothers in who lost their son’s or daughters to drug dealing and let them speak to those young men and women so they can hear what it was like to lose their son or daughter over the sale of drugs.”

Sunday’s keynote speaker was journalist and syndicated columnist Roland Martin. He told 28 graduates each of them can do great things in the community. Union Baptist also has weekly meetings called C2C REMIX that help drug dealers/users stay clean. 

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