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The City of Greensboro Begins $1 Million Business Competition

February 4, 2013 | Keri Brown

Last year, Greensboro was selected to take part in the economic catalyst challenge, a program under the US Department of Commerce’s Strong Cities Strong Communities (SC2) grant. Now City leaders are preparing to launch a competition that will reward $1 million for a proposal to help spur economic growth in Greensboro.

Sue Schwartz, Director for Planning and Community Development for the city, says the competition will take place in phases. 

“There are two distinct phases to this competition. In the initial phase, people, collections and firms will be submitting ideas for how to impact Greensboro’s economic strategy. There will be top winners named in that phase. The second phase will take time to develop their full strategic efforts," says Shwartz.

Up to six finalists will then be selected to submit their fully designed economic development plans in the spring. A group of Greensboro business leaders and a City Council liaison will choose the top finalists from both phases. The million dollar winner will be announced in June.

“Think of all of the things that have gone on in terms of our economy: HondaJet, the growth of PTI Airport, the Nano-Technology Center, and the growth of Logistics in our region. How do you take those good things and help leverage them into even better,” says Schwart.

Schwartz says the winning project will have an impact that extends beyond the city.

 “Think of all of the things that have gone on in terms of our economy: HondaJet, the growth of PTI Airport, the Nano-Technology Center, and the growth of Logistics in our region. How do you take those good things and help leverage them into even better,” says Schwartz

Schwartz added, “We need to ask, the investments that are going on in Winston-Salem and in High Point, how do we bring them all together and how do we use that growth and opportunities? Are there things the city can help leverage or private investment?”

 Greensboro was selected as one of three cities, including Hartford, Conn. and Las Vegas to participate in the Strong Cities Strong Communities Challenge.

Schwartz says the city will launch a web page providing more details about the contest later this month.

To learn more about the challenge call (336) 373-CITY (2489) and choose the “Business Line”, or option 2.


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