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Sen. Hagan hopes the president will address job creation in Thursday night's speech

September 8, 2011 | Keri Brown

A recent government report says the national unemployment rate remained at 9.1 percent. It was the weakest jobs report since September 2010. In North Carolina, the unemployment rate is more than 10 percent.  Senator Kay Hagan said job creation needs to be a top priority.

 “There are reports that his address will include a push to improve our infrastructure and I really agree that roads and bridges that have waited decades for an update will also help put American families back to work. We have no time left for squabbling. It is imperative that we keep our eye on the ball and that is to create jobs in our state as well as across the country,” said Sen. Hagan.

 Sen. Hagan is also hoping that the President will address federal funding shortfalls facing disaster relief efforts after a high number of natural disasters this year, including Hurricane Irene.

 “When I was in North Carolina in the state Senate we had a rainy day fund, we had an emergency fund that we funded on an annual basis. I can remember when Hurricane Floyd hit, we distributed over $800 million from that fund for disaster relief in North Carolina. I think in the U.S., we need to have a fund that looks at natural disasters like this.”

 President Obama’s speech will be aired live on WFDD 88.5 starting at 7 p.m.

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