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Pharmaceutical Company Expands in Rowan County

March 26, 2012 | Keri Brown

Governor Beverly Perdue announced Monday that Ei Inc., a developer and manufacturer of topical pharmaceutical and skin care products, will expand its operations in Rowan County.


The company plans to create more than 100 jobs and invest $13.2 million during the next three years in Kannapolis. This area has been hard hit by a loss in manufacturing jobs in the auto and textile industries. The current unemployment rate in Rowan county is 11.5 percent.

Chad Mitchell, Chairman of the County Board of Commissioners, said the expansion is creating a lot of excitement on the community.


"This announcement means over 154 jobs for our county. The average salary for these jobs is over $37,000 and the average wage in Rowan County at the moment is $36,000 - so obviously this announcement brings hope. And in some cases that is what people need is hope that jobs are on the horizon," said Mitchell.

The project is also getting a big boost from the state, with a $500,000 grant from the One North Carolina Fund. Mitchell said the county is also providing some incentives to help the project.

Ei Inc., headquartered in Kannapolis, currently employs more than 200 people in North Carolina.

The company said it is seeking to partner with KeraNetics in order to commercialize research and patents that were developed at the Wake Forest University Institute for Regenerative Medicine.


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