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Person Exposed to Rabid Animal in Guilford County

December 27, 2012 | Keri Brown

Another animal rabies case is being reported in Guilford County.

The Guilford County Department of Public Health said Thursday that a fox found on Holden Road in Greensboro tested positive for the rabies virus on Monday. One person was exposed to the fox.

"The majority of cases this year have been in raccoons or wild animals. We are trying to get residents of Guilford County to make sure they do not engage or try to rescue any wild animal that they see in their yard," says Sandy Ellington, Community Health Educator for the Guilford County Department of Public Health.

This is the 27th case of confirmed animal rabies in Guilford County in 2012.

The health department urges the public to report stray animals, animals acting strangely or exposures to sick animals to Animal Control.

Rabies can be fatal. Health officials say if you are bitten, wash the area immediately with soap and water, and seek immediate medical attention.


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