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New Program Motivates Forsyth County Residents to Get Active

September 21, 2012 | Keri Brown

The Forsyth County Department of Public Health and several organizations are working together to create a healthy community. Last week, they kicked off an eight week program called Step Up Forsyth, which encourages healthy lifestyles. This is the ninth year for the program.

“This year for the first time everything can be done electronically through our website. The goal is 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week. We are looking at giving prizes away to the team that has the largest number of members, the team that logs the most minutes for physical activity,” said Quintana Stewart, Director of Emergency Response and Communication, Forsyth County Department of Public Health.

Stewart said people can join at any time. Organizers hope participants will collectively log over 2-million minutes of physical activity this year. The program is free and open to both individuals and groups. Stewart said this year’s program also emphasizes “Going Local”.

“They get an electronic newsletter and what we are trying to do here is really promote our local food sources such as our farmer markets and the community supported agricultural and food buying co-op programs. We also want to promote using our local recreation facilities,” said Stewart.

Step Up Forsyth 2012! runs through November 10. For a link to more information:  http://www.co.forsyth.nc.us/publichealth/stepup_forsyth.aspx .

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