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NC Gubernatorial Candidates Do Find Some Common Ground

October 25, 2012 |

The candidates for North Carolina Governor do agree on one thing. Video poker is gambling and if allowed to continue, it should be taxed.  

Meanwhile, the list of differences between Democrat Lt. Governor Walter Dalton and Republican Pat McCrory is long.

Wednesday night, they met for their third and final televised debate in Rocky Mount.  At one point, debate moderators challenged McCrory to be transparent regarding his personal finances. "I've submitted to the North Carolina board of elections explaining exactly where I get my income, where my stock ownership is. My wife Ann is in the audience. We own a 2,600 square foot home, two used cars, both over 12 years old. They're paid for, so is my house and that's it. And I grew up in a family where you don't tell each other's salaries. My Mom and Dad taught me and I'm not going to break my Mom and Dad's code."

Moderators then challenged Dalton about not having much political experience to lead the Tar Heel state. "I know this state have served in the Senate in Appropriations. I know every agency. But let me talk about transparency. He talks about we need a governor to do this and to do that. We need a governor he won't talk for 5 minutes and not be transparent. I've been transparant. I've let my tax returns be seen. We know there was a case back several years ago in the supreme court that he took special interest over a farm family. Used his position with the city of Charlotte to help a special interest--his employer. So what's he doing with that law firm? They say he's a 'rainmaker', what promises are being made? That's important." 

Libertarian candidate Barbara Howe was not invited to participate in the three debates. 

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