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NC Fracking Bill Delayed

June 19, 2012 | Audrey Fannin

A final vote by the North Carolina Senate to send a fracking bill to Gov. Bev Perdue has been postponed one day.  The Senate previously passed the bill by a vote of 29-19 ... and the upcoming review is to approve House amendments backed by Republican Party leaders.  The bill has easily breezed through the General Assembly without much pushback.  It could land on the governor's desk the same day if the Senate approves it.  

Opponents worry that hydraulic fracturing would damage the environment and allow oil and gas companies to involuntarily frack under private property.  Supporters say fracking would create jobs and allow the state to utilize domestic energy.  

Republican Bob Rucho of Mecklenburg County, the bill's sponsor, says he's not worried about the postponement and expects the bill to move forward Wednesday.  

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