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Major Roadway in Winston-Salem Could Soon See Changes

June 7, 2012 | Keri Brown

A major roadway and gateway to downtown Winston-Salem may soon become more pedestrian-friendly. City transportation planners are considering a proposal to improve the Peters Creek Parkway Corridor.

As part of the proposed improvements to Peters Creek Parkway, the existing six-lane roadway would be reduced to four lanes between Business 40 and Silas Creek Parkway.

"We would add landscaping, potential bike lanes or a Greenway path, adding sidewalks on both sides of the road and to give a shorter distance across the road so citizens can cross safely and more efficiently," said Greg Errett, Planning Development Coordinator for the Winston-Salem Department of Transportation.

Errett said the project would be a "super street," adding more turning lanes and u-turn opportunities.

"What we are doing is taking those turning movements away from those intersections and separating them out from people who just want to go though the area. It is a new concept and it is something different that has been used throughout the United States in a number of areas with issues like this so we wanted to test it here and see what citizens think about it," said Errett.

The proposal also includes adding roundabouts, or traffic circles, at Academy Street and Link Road. Federal, state and city funds would be used to pay for the estimated $5 to $10 million project. Errett said the improvements would take place in phases. He anticipates construction to begin in 2014.

"The signage and lack of sidewalks and landscaping along there, it just doesn’t give a real positive, pleasant feel to it. We just want to change the whole atmosphere of how the road functions and how it looks, so hopefully that will bring back some of the businesses in the area and make it thrive again."

Meanwhile, city transportation officials are planning an information session for the public to discuss the proposed improvements to Peters Creek Parkway. The meeting will be held Tuesday, June 12, from 4 to 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at Diggs-Latham Elementary School.

For more information, contact Greg Errett at (336) 747-6871 or call CityLink 311.

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