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Grief Workshop Helps People Get Through the Holidays

December 12, 2012 | Keri Brown

Many people in the Triad are enjoying parties and family gatherings during the holiday season. But this time of year is not so merry for many people who have recently experienced a loss. Organizers of one workshop in Greensboro hope to help people work through their grief.

For most people, the holidays mean sharing joyful time with family and friends. But for some people who have recently experienced a divorce, lost a loved one, or a job, the holidays can evoke sadness and loneliness.  Bob Hamilton, a chaplain at Cone Health, says one way to help people cope with their grief is by simply asking how they are doing.

 “It is actually helpful to mention that loss or mention that person. If they don't want to talk about it, you don't enforce it. No one mentions the loss or that person because they fear it will upset them but in fact, they feel more hurt by not having someone acknowledge or recognize that this loss has happened in their life,” says Hamilton.

Hamilton also encourages people to extend an invitation to those suffering to join in a holiday event. He says getting involved in community service activities is another way to cope with a loss during the holiday season.

Several churches and other organizations in the Triad are planning holiday events to help those who are grieving. This week, Lambeth-Troxler Funeral Home is sponsoring a grief sharing workshop called ‘Not Alone for the Holiday’ at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro.

Hamilton says participants should bring a cherished item of remembrance.

“Part of bringing a cherished item is honoring the memory of the person who you have lost and recognizing that a lot of our memories member that objects that remind of us people, says Hamilton.

Hamilton says counselors from Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro and other local agencies will help with the workshop.

“We are going to do a variety of things and get together in some smaller groups and talk about who that person is or was for them. We will encourage them to share things they have already discovered and some people are further down the road than others. This is an opportunity to share and learn from each other,” says Hamilton.

The ‘Not Alone for the Holiday’ event is free and open to the public. It will be held on Thursday, December 13 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the Education Center at Moses Cone Hospital on North Elm Street in Greensboro.

For reservations and information call 336-273-3401.

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