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Free Adult Dental Clinic in Greensboro This Weekend

November 14, 2012 | Steve Biddle

The North Carolina Dental Society, in conjunction with Cone Health System is providing a free adult dental clinic this weekend in Greensboro. The North Carolina Missions of Mercy portable free dental program is an outreach program of the North Carolina Dental Society.  The event’s coordinator, Lelia Moore says they provide about a dozen such clinics across the state each year.

This year’s free clinic will be held Friday and Saturday at the Greensboro Coliseum Annex, at 1921 Lee Street.  A variety of free services will be offered.

Staffers expect to treat more than 9-hundred patients on a first-come, first-served basis. There are no appointments. Patients are advised to get there early, because it’s likely not everyone can be served. 

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