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FOXX Re-elected For Congressional Seat

November 7, 2012 | Keri Brown

In the 5th Congressional Race, Republican incumbent Virginia Foxx won against Democrat Elisabeth Motsinger.

Foxx has held the seat since she was elected in 2004. She says her campaign stepped up their efforts this year, because of changes with redistricting in certain counties. She says she’s honored to serve her constituents for another term.

Motsinger conceded to Foxx around 10:30 p.m. Tueday during a party for Democrats at the Millennium Center in downtown Winston-Salem. She thanked her supporters and family.

She says she’s disappointed with the loss, but she hopes her run for the 5th Congressional seat inspired Democratic voters to the polls.

Motsinger is a member of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education. When asked by WFDD’s Keri Brown if she would ever run for the seat again, she said "she isn’t ruling it out".

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