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FMC Promotes Comprehensive Women's Healthcare

May 15, 2012 |

Tuesday morning, Forsyth Medical Center announced the creation of the new Maya Angelou Center for Women's Health and Wellness. According to Dr. Chere Gregory, Director for Neurosciences and an advocate of women's health at the medical center, this virtual program will provide comprehensive medical services to women through every stage of their life.

She explains that their aim is to look at women as patients – and as people. "Whether you're here because you have bone disease, heart disease or you've had a problem with your brain, we want the staff who look after you to understand you have unique needs."  Forsyth Medical Center has hired four 'health navigators' to begin the program.  Health navigators are registered nurses who guide patients.

Dr. Maya Angleou says she's honored to be the name-sake of this program. The 84-year-old author, poet, activist and educator hopes this program will encourage women to advocate for themselves as aggressively as they advocate for others. 

Dr. Gregory says according to national statistics, women live longer than men but tend to be in a more fragile state in their last few years. She also says promoting preventative healthcare to women begins with changing their self-image.

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