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Elon Poll Shows President Barack Obama Has Edge Over One Republican Challenger

April 29, 2012 |

A Triad-generated poll gives President Obama an edge over potential Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Last week, Elon University surveyors called 640 North Carolina residents on landlines and cell phones and asked them how they feel about Obama and Romney.

The poll's Director of Communications, John Robinson, sums up the results. "49% of the respondents in the Elon University Poll tend to approve of President Obama's job performance. People know him. Governor Romney has a challenge - only 28% of the respondents in the poll have a favorable opinion of him. But many say they don't know enough about him to have an opinion. So that's a lot of people he has to educate and persuade to vote for him in these next six months before the election."

Robinson believes Romney can improve his rating by visiting the Tar Heel state more over the next six months.

Respondents were also asked their view on campaign finance laws. Robinson says many are concerned about the growing amount of money collected by campaigning politicians statewide – and 63% of respondents said they want to ban Super PACS.

"They said governments should put a limit on how much individuals can give to political candidates by 54%. They want to limit how much money corporations can give to political candidates at 73%. And limit how much unions can give to candidates at 69%."

The Elon University poll was conducted April 22-25. Not all of the respondents are voters.

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