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Elon Law Professor Will Use John Edwards Trial In The Clasroom

May 23, 2012 | Keri Brown

The fourth day of jury deliberations in the case of former presidential candidate John Edwards came to a close Wednesday. Edwards is accused of using illegal campaign donations to hide an extramarital affair, during his 2008 campaign to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

Elon Law professor Steven Friedland has been in federal court in Greensboro watching the events unfold. Freidland says he plans to take a closer look at campaign finance laws and other legal issues that occurred during the trial in his classroom at Elon Law School.

Since jury members began deliberating on Friday, they have requested more than a dozen exhibits. On Tuesday, the jury of 8 men and 4 women requested two more prosecution exhibits.

If convicted of all charges, Edwards, who made millions as a successful personal injury lawyer could face up to 30 years in prison and $1.5 million in fines.

WFDD’s Keri Brown spoke with Friedland by phone near the courthouse for more insight on the trial and jury deliberations.

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