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Early Voting a Convenience People Willing To Wait For

October 19, 2012 |

Many in North Carolina are already casting their ballots for president and other national and state officials. There are 350 early voting sites in North Carolina. This runs through November 3rd. Director of Forsyth County Elections Rob Coffman says while most people seem clear about the candidates they want in office, there is still some confusion about Early Voting. "One misconception a lot of people do have is that they have to have id to vote early, and that is not the case. What we ask is your name and your residential address and that's how we find you in our system." Also according to Coffman, this is a time when residents can register to vote. "When you come into our one stop location, we're going to have you fill out a voter registration application. And we need a couple of identifications for you. We need something that says who you are and something that gives your current address. Second, you would have had to live in the county for at least 30 days. If you've not lived in the county for 30 days, then you have to go back to the county you previously lived in to vote. Once you do that, we register you and you're allowed to vote."

Friday and Monday, voters can cast their ballot at the Board of Elections on 201 North Chestnut St. Polls are open 8-5 p.m.
Tuesday, 5 locations will open in Forsyth County. And the week after that, several more. Days and hours will vary, including two Saturdays. Coffman expects 80,000-85,000 people will vote early.

In Greensboro and High Point residents are casting ballots at the Guilford County Board of Election, on 301 West Market St. and at 15 additional sites. 6 more polling locations will open October 27.

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