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Community Movie Night

October 15, 2011 |

Tonight is Community Movie night at the BB&T Ballpark in downtown Winiston-Salem. It's a free event hosted by the Wharton Gladden Foundation and Nature's Select. The feature movie is Rio and will be shown on a jumbo screen. The foundation's Managing Director Algenon Cash says Community Movie Night is meant to promote social capitol, something he says is as vital for a communities success. People are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to help restock the shelves of Second Harvest Food Bank. And to donate old cell phones to benefit Family Services. There will be face painting for the children and people can sit on the field to watch the movie. This event begins Saturday, October 15 at 6:30. The movie begins at 7:30. People are asked to register at rsvp@naturesselect.com. Tell them how many people you're bringing and they will email tickets to you.

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