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Comfort BackPacks Help Traumatized Children in Guilford County

August 13, 2012 |

A new kind of backpack will help hundreds of traumatized children in Guilford County. They're called Comfort BackPacks. Today, about 400 will be given to 10 social service agencies.

Last May, Parker White launched this effort as a way to help children aged 3-17 who are transitioning from traumatic situations. She says it's an unmet need. "In 2010-2011, there were approximately 565 children in Guilford County placed in foster care, and recently, the Guilford County School System reported more than 2,000 children have experienced homelessness," explains Parker. "I think any of us who are parents cannot imagine children going through a traumatic situation and not having something as simple as their own stuffed animal, a blanket or a book to comfort them."

It costs about $20 to fill each backpack with various items such as blankets, stuffed animals, books, hygiene products, school supplies and toys. They're tagged for gender and age. The Comfort BackPack program is part of White's non-profit foundation, BackPack Beginnings. It began in 2010 as a feeding program. This fall, she says it will provide backpacks filled with nutritious food to more than 600 children receiving free or reduced-price meals at 16 Guilford County Title 1 schools and Head Start programs.

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