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Cancer Survivors Still Face Quality of Life Issues

November 27, 2012 | Audrey Fannin

The first national study to assess the quality of life of cancer survivors shows that more a third of all cancer survivors still experience physical and mental health issues.  Dr. Kathryn Weaver, assistant professor at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and one of the researchers on the study, says until now, the medical community didn’t have clear data on survivors’ quality of life issues.

Dr. Weaver says making healthy lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight and staying active, will help patient’s quality of life overall. She also says creating a survivorship care plan that includes follow-up meetings with their doctor, will help patients know what to expect and prepare for in the years following completion of their treatment. 

More information about Survivorship Care Plans can be found at:

American Cancer Society: http://www.cancer.org/treatment/survivorshipduringandaftertreatment/survivorshipcareplans/index

Lance Armstrong foundation http://www.livestrongcareplan.org/

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