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Aycock Middle School Band Receives New Instruments

October 10, 2012 | Audrey Fannin

During a special performance at Aycock Middle School Wednesday morning, the band members were surpised by the delivery of several brand new instruments.  The surprise donation was made through a grant from Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation, an organization that supports music education in the schools, in partnership with Greensboro's Fidelity Investment Center.  

Rodney Milton directs the band and the school's drumline.  He says one student who had just received one of the new baritones, said that he had never played a brand new instrument before.  Other students told him the shiny new instruments made them want to practice more.

Milton says the school won the grant this spring, but kept it a secret until the instruments could be delivered.  In all, the school received five violas, two cellos, a euphonium, two timpani drums and a concert bass drum.  The instruments are valued at more than $22,000. 

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