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A Hand in History

February 1, 2010 | LeShea Agnew

Thousands of people are gathering in Greensboro for the official opening of the International Civil Rights Center and Museum. While many will marvel at the exhibits, few realize the tremendous amount of work that goes on behind the exhibit walls. Terry Brown owns Museum Professionals Incorporated based in Minneapolis Minnesota. The museum hired Brown and his crew to build artifact mounts. Brown has handled and mounted more than 5-thousand artifacts from all over the world. He gave WFDD's LeShea Agnew a behind-the-scenes peek of one of his mounted artifacts. Terry Brown says he began working on this project last November...and has spent hundreds of hours mounting the artifacts for the International Civil Rights Center and Museum. Monday morning--the museum's ribbing cutting ceremony begins at 8. It'll be at the intersection of South Elm Street and February One Place. The surviving members of the Greensboro Four will be present along with North Carolina's U.S. Senator Kay Hagan, Governor Beverly Perdue and other dignitaries.

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