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A Delicious Holiday Meal Minus the Pounds

November 21, 2012 |

Across the Piedmont Triad and the country, many are busy planning delicious Thanksgiving meals. That includes Master Chef Don McMillan, owner of The Stocked Pot in Winston-Salem. He says he gives a lot of attention to making sure the white and dark meet of his turkey is moist. And he explains to WFDD's Kathryn Mobley the techniques he uses to achieve this. "Brining that turkey is simple. I use an ice chest. Make a dense salted water. You may want to add a few herbs. And then overnight put the turkey in there adding ice. Then take it out the next day and roast it as you normally would. But there is something equally as important. I look at the temperature of the bird and 165 degrees to me is the most important thing. Do not overcook your turkey. I usually test in two places, in the breast and in the thigh, to make sure I get an equal reading."
And when it comes to adding a rich flavor to your meal, Chef Don also takes a page out of the cook book of the internationally renowned Julia Childs. "If you like the taste of butter, instead of putting it in while making the recipe, stir it in just before serving the cooked item. A tablespoon is just 100 calories and it is loaded with flavor."
Chef McMillian recommends reducing the salt you use by using citrus juices such as lemon, lime or grapefruit. According to Chef McMillian, these juices will also add a sweet taste to your recipe. He also encourages cooks to sauté vegetables in olive oil and herbs before putting them into the dry stuffing mixture. To make low-fat gravy, drain the drippings from the meat and add some broth and herbs. Finally, Chef McMillian recommends some minor changes to get a delicious pumpkin pie that won't pack on the pounds. "Use low-fat milk and an egg-white mixture you still have a thick pumpkin pie without all of the calories."

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