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100 Adult Literacy Volunteers Sought in Guilford Co.

November 13, 2012 | Audrey Fannin

An adult literacy agency in Guilford County is looking for 100 volunteers in 100 days.  Marcy Ray, assistant director at Reading Connections, says the organization has 81 people on their waiting list, but she says nearly half of the residents in the county need help with their reading skills.

"About 1 in 5 adults in Guilford County really struggle with basic literacy skills," she says.  "And there's another 25% of the population who can read some basic text, but really don't have the vocabulary or comprehension skills to be competitive in the labor market we have today."

Ray says that's on par with national statistics in manufacturing-heavy areas like Guilford County.  The campaign started on Nov. 1st, and she says they have dozens of people signed up already. Tutors go through a 6-hour training program, and after that have access to ongoing support from Reading Connections staff. Tutors need to be 18 or older, have a high school diploma, and have the time, willingness and patience to help someone learn.

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