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Triad Arts with David Ford

Listen (mp3)Listen to Triad Arts Up Close as broadcast at 8:35 a.m. & 5:44 p.m
Wake University Theatre presents Marisol

September 24, 2012

Wake Forest University Theatre presents Marisol by Jose Rivera. The Obie-award-winning play in two acts will run September 28 through October 7, in the Mainstage Theatre on the Wake campus. There’ll be a reception to welcome the school’s new provost Rogan Kersh and his wife Sara on Saturday, September 29, and a talkback with the playwright on October 5.

Marisol has been described as falling somewhere between magical realism and theatre of the absurd. In the play, a war in heaven spills into New York City where the food has turned to salt and enormous blazes fill the air with smoke. Our heroine Marisol is abandoned by her guardian angel and forced to overcome her inner fears to join in the battle to save the universe. Like much of Rivera’s work, Marisol is for mature audiences only. Director and WFU Professor of Theatre Cindy Gendrich talks with TAUC host David Ford.

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