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Triad Arts with David Ford

Listen (mp3)Listen to the program as broadcast on February 2, 2012
UNCSA presents The Mystery of Edwin Drood

February 2, 2012

The Mystery of Edwin Drood was written and published by Charles Dickens (much like his other works) in episodic installments. The Drood mystery began publication in 1870, but the author did not live to complete his final installment. This month The Mystery of Edwin Drood (the interactive musical by Rupert Holmes) will finally be solved, with help from a talented cast of University of NC School of the Arts actors, and members of the audience at Performance Place, Thrust Theatre in Winston-Salem.

UNCSA actors Drew Bolander and Maddie Jo Landers paint the scene along with Seattle Shakespeare Company associate artist, director and UNCSA alumnus John Langs.

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