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Triad Arts with David Ford

Listen (mp3)Listen to Triad Arts as broadcast at 8:35 a.m. & 5:44 p.m
UNCSA Drama Division presents Detective Story

November 6, 2012

There’s so much going on in the arts here in the Triad on any given week that’s it’s easy to take even some of the leading local arts institutions for granted. One of those is the first state-supported, residential school of its kind in the nation: The University of North Carolina School of the Arts.

For example, did you know that the Drama Division at UNCSA is considered by many industry professionals to be in the top three programs in the nation? This year the Drama School will audition between 500 and 600 of America’s finest young actors from all across the country to fill the 25 available slots in its first year class.

Leading that search committee in Winston-Salem, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles will be the new Dean of Drama Carl Forsman. Prior to his audition tour, Carl will be directing his first show at UNCSA, Sidney Kingsley’s groundbreaking Detective Story from 1949. Detective Story, for mature audiences only, opens Thursday, November 15, and it will run through Sunday, November 18, with evening performances at 8:00pm and weekend matinees at 2:00pm in Catawba Theatre, Performance Place on the UNCSA campus. Tickets are 15 bucks/ 13 for students and seniors.

Carl Forsman comes to the Triad after years of award-winning artistic direction off-Broadway in New York, and he’s champing at the bit to share one of his all-time favorites with his talented UNCSA student actors.

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