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Triad Arts with David Ford

Listen (mp3)Listen to Triad Arts Up Close as broadcast at 8:35 a.m. & 5:44 p.m
Triad Performing Arts Fund

August 23, 2012

The Triad Performing Arts Fund will soon be providing scholarships to students who can’t otherwise afford to attend enrichment programs or technical classes in the performing arts. The fund’s first fundraising event is in an Autograph Auction and live performance on Thursday, August 30, at 6:00pm in the William Ellis Middle School in David County. Proceeds support the Triad Performing Arts Fund which Ryan hopes will one day give dancers, singers, and actors of all ages the chance to make the most of their talents through full scholarships to a host of enrichment programs. The online autograph auction continues through the end of August at www. swicegoodautions.com.

There are currently eight acts on the bill and the entire event was planned and organized by Triad Performing Arts Fund director, 16-year old aspiring actor and Davie County Early College High School student Ryan Ball. He’s already acquired autographs from more than 30 celebrities from Stephen Sondheim to John Travolta. Ryan dropped by with DCEC student actor Sky Tranqille, and actor, businessman and Autograph Auction host, Brandon Lloyd Hicks.

Want to donate, but can't attend?

Contact Ryan Ball: (336) 414-9323 or triadperformingartsfund@gmail.com

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